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【看BBC學英文】優質免費的英文學習平台!你想要學習原汁原味的英國腔調嗎?還是你希望增加自己的聽力呢?IELTS及TOEIC考試中的聽力題,對於不熟悉英國腔 ...
[六分鐘英語] -- Top international universities / 全球頂尖大學 ( 解答篇 )
How did you do this time ??
Click here for the news. / 點這聽新聞。[1]
(二) 聽力填空題
1. These include its quality of teaching, the influence of its research and the income it gets for research.
2. He says the US puts two-and-a-half times the amount of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) into its universities
than we do in the UK.
3. So he says the US invests more money in universities than the UK so they have more of them on this list.
4. I chose my university because it offered the subject I wanted to do.
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